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MASN Community of Practice Webinar


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 3:00pm ET - 4:00pm ET
This event has ended.



Follow up book study - From Silence to Voice

Additional Information

This month's Community of Practice meeting will follow up from our November meeting.  We will be continuing our study of the book From Silence to Voice: What Nurses Know and Must Communicate to the Public.  Hopefully you've had a chance to read the book.  We will be talking about how to present yourself as a nurse and how to tell the world what you do.  

The assignment from November was to write a paragraph describing what "being a school nurse" is really about and from that paragraph, design a bumper sticker.  Bumper stickers are short, succint messages that convey significant meaning.  Make sure your bumper sticker message places value on what you do as a school nurse.  Join us as we discuss ways to convey competence and knowledge.