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Happy New Year & Take action! Building Support and Sustainability for School Nurses

Posted over 1 year ago

This announcement has 2 attachments:

Your voice is needed!    Now, more than ever, our Michigan students need a school nurse to support them.

Please introduce yourself by copying/pasting the form letter below and share the attached documents with your newly elected Michigan legislators!


To the Honorable Senator/Representative (ENTER their Name):

My name is [Insert Your First and Last Name] and I work at [Insert Your School Name/District and Address] in [Insert City], Michigan.
I am a School Nurse for approximately (ENTER NUMBER of Students) students supporting their health, safety and readiness to learn.

I am writing this letter to introduce myself and additionally to set up a time to discuss what a school nurse actually does, a typical day and how this role has transitioned during/since the pandemic.  As you can see by the attached documents, school nurses have a big job supporting many students!

Thank you in advance for this opportunity to discuss the role of school nurses and school health services in supporting and strengthening school communities.

(Your Name/Credentials)
(Name of School)
(Address of School)
(Phone Number and email address)


Find who your legislators are at the links below:

Michigan House of Representatives

Michigan Senators