MASN: The Role of the Professional School Nurse
CE Information
1.0 CE creditCompletion Time
1 hourAvailable Until
March 1, 2025Posted By
Michigan Association of School NursesNavigate
School HealthWelcome to our exploration of the Professional School Nurse's Role for Michigan School Administrators. This training will highlight the laws and policies specific to school health, as well as providing School Administrators with an understanding of the school nurse's role within the interdisciplinary school support team.

MASN President
Hendrina Cupery received her undergraduate degree in Nursing from Grand Valley State University and her graduate degree in Nursing Education from Michigan State University. She is a Nationally Certified School Nurse and is currently the Manager for the Holland Hospital School Nurse program. She has 29 years of nursing experience in the fields of Emergency Room nursing, Care Management and most recently, 20 years as a School Nurse. She is currently serving as the President-Elect for the Michigan Association of School Nurses and will transition to President July 1. She has also contributed content to the School Nurse Resource Manual.

MASN President-Elect; Advocacy Committee

MASN Past President and Data Chair
Rachel has been a Michigan school nurse for over 20 years. She knew she wanted to be a school nurse even before she graduated from nursing school when she discovered that school nurses were able to work with children proactively to maintain their health therefore keeping them in school and learning alongside their peers! She currently is the School Nurse Consultant for Kent Intermediate School District and volunteers her time to work on the BOD for the Michigan Association of School Nurses. She is passionate about the work of a school nurse and the need to bring more nurses into this sector of public health in order to protect and serve our most vulnerable populations.
CE Information
This activity offers 1.0 CE credit to attendees.
Accredited by Michigan Department of Education, Health and Safety Unit.
Activity Content
Registration to this activity includes access to the following supporting materials.
- Slidedeck: Role of the Professional School Nurse for Administrators (Size: 1.14 MB)
- Important Links Handout (Size: 14.1 KB)
- Slidedeck: Sustainable Funding for School Nurses (Size: 763 KB)
- Handout: How to Fund Your School Nurse (Size: 948 KB)
- SCECH Participant Registration Form (Educators and those with a MOECS account who are requesting credit should fill this out) (Size: 284 KB)
Duration: 27 minutes | Quality: HD
Duration: 8 minutes | Quality: HD
10 questions | 8 correct test question required to pass
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